Confidence Series
Yoga postures, mudras, and breathing techniques to help you learn more about your relationship with confidence: When does it shine for you, when do you struggle, and how can yoga help you grow your confidence in a way that is balanced and harmonious.
58 minutes, 47 seconds. An invigorating practice to grow your strength and confidence. Includes Vajrapradana mudra, core and upper body strengthening, crow/bakasana, and forward folds. You might like to use a sandbag for extra grounding during shavasana.
Being confident, like all things, is a practice and way of approaching your life. There is no perfect end point. Examine your relationship to confidence with this gentle yoga practice. Confidence doesn't mean always pushing hard. Confidence is about understanding your experience and boundaries and being fearless with the truth. Included in this practice: Back body openers, gentle core exercises, tapping and immune system stimulation, triangle posture, and seated stretches. Abhaya mudra focuses on your ability to be fearless in your practice of confidence.
56 minutes, 2 seconds. A gentle flow for unshakable confidence. Includes Vajrapradana mudra, gentle core work, squat/malasana, and seated forward folds. You may want a sandbag for extra grounding during relaxation.
Part of understanding your relationship to confidence involves your realization of your intrinsic value and knowing when to say yes and when to say no. Explore this relationship with establishing boundaries through physical asana practice as we experience the boundary of the skin, personal space, strength and muscle energy. Practice includes: seated postures, core warm ups, upper body strengthening, squats, shoulder strengtheners and seated hip opening.