Angie’s Blog
Inspiration on yoga, philosophy, mindfulness, art and creativity
the Joy of Satsang
Satsang means being in the company of truth. One of the most important aspects of your practice is being in a community with like-minded people.
Start from where you are, not where you want to be...
I recently picked up the book You Are The Universe: Ram Dass Maps The Journey, arranged and illustrated by Amy Buetens and Julie Weinstein. It is a compilation of teachings of self-discovery, sourced from recordings and writings by the spiritual teacher, Ram Dass.
Poems for Summer’s End
Photo by Robert Ruggerio, via Unsplash
It's that quiet time of summer when the birds are not singing so much. The air is heavy with moisture, and everyone is trying to squeeze in the last few vacations and beach trips.
The Joy of Kirtan
We were interviewed by the Vermont Standard about our recent Kirtan event in Woodstock. I thought you might enjoy reading our responses to the reporter's questions.
What is Kirtan music and why is audience participation an important part of it?
Easy Sicilian Eggplant Caponata
When my family boarded our return home flight from Italy last summer, my husband looked at me and said “if they serve us eggplant on this flight, I am going to be sick.”
You need both of these every day
I am often asked what my yoga practice looks like. So here is a sneak peek at what I practice every single day.
The significance of Abhyasa and Vairagya in a yoga practice.
photo by Laura Olsen
That’s a Weird number…
image by Chelsea Shapouri
The significance of 108 repetitions in Japa Mantra practice.
Stinging Nettle soup
I enjoy foraging and wild harvesting. I am always on the lookout for wild greens, berries, herbs, and wild mushrooms. This vegan Nettle Soup is easy to make and tasty too!
Happiness has dropped
The United States is no longer one of the top 20 happiest countries in the world.
I didn't realize we were ever in the top 20.
To Mend the tenderness
Life is raw and tender.
Upholding our practices and staying connected to ourselves and to solid teachings seems increasingly important.
What determines your success?
Do you struggle with making big decisions?
Do you find yourself caught up in thoughts like "Is this the right choice? What if I mess up? What if it isn't successful?"
And in that struggle, do you end up making no choice at all?
It's in the ground...
image by emma gossett via unsplash
Last week I wrote about finding one’s center. This week, let’s look at what it means to be rooted.
What does being rooted mean to me?
It means feeling at ease with myself, my body, my thoughts, and with my life direction. It's a feeling that…
How To Honor Winter Solstice To Heal & Grow—Plus A Chaga Chai Recipe
The Winter Solstice is a time to renew, to remind ourselves of the need for both light and dark, and to tap into our inner reserves of creativity.
Perspective Shift
Some days I feel quite frantic with all these responsibilities, and I wonder how I might try to lighten my load...
But then other days, I feel completely peaceful and at ease with all the tasks that are to be completed. Sometimes, I even wonder what other offerings I could add to the mix.
I have noticed that this mental shift is entirely dependent on
The Best Vegan Mashed Sweet Potato
Sweet potato is one of my very favorite vegetables. My quick go-to easy vegan lunch is a simple baked sweet potato. I pop a potato in the oven for about 45 minutes and I have a satisfying and nutritious meal. I can easily bring a baked sweet potato with me on a road trip, since it comes in its own packaging!
Perfect Vegan Pumpkin Pie
It is no exaggeration to state that my mom makes *the* perfect vegan pumpkin pie. I have served her pumpkin pie at many celebrations with friends and family, and it is always the star dessert offering. I have had many other attempts at vegan pumpkin pie that left me longing for more. They are usually too runny, or too soft, or lacking in that good pumpkin-pie flavor.
Why you should want to be bored...
When was the last time you were bored?
I mean, most of the day, not sure what to do, stuck in the silence, really bored?
When I was a child, I was bored on a regular basis. But my mother, strangely, never seemed to be nearly as bored as my younger brother and I. Perhaps all that opportunity for boredom was a gift I didn’t fully appreciate at such a young age.
photo by @priscilladupreez