Meditation Course
There are myriad benefits to a regular meditation practice.
Just a few minutes each day will change your relationship to your body, your mind, and your spirit.
Meditation is an essential component of the yoga practice. It is the seventh limb of the eight limb path of yoga, called “dhyana” in Sanskrit.
The ancient texts tell us that all of our yoga asana and pranayama is preparation for the deeper practice of meditation. When you commit to a regular meditation practice, you will develop a calmer, more focused mind.
Benefits of Meditation
increased ability to focus and concentrate
reduction of stress/decrease in sympathetic nervous system response (fight or flight)
promotion of relaxation/increase of parasympathetic nervous system response (rest and digest)
increase of gray matter in brain (enables control for movement, memory, and emotions)
increase in neuroplasticity (brain's ability to adapt and change over time)
positive association between meditation and length of telomeres in chromosomes (increases length which relates to preventing illness and aging)
What you get in the meditation course:
A one time purchase of eight downloadable meditations. A five day meditation series with 3 bonus practices.
Use daily, download to your device, and replay your favorite ones!
A great introduction and jump-start into the practice of meditation.
One time fee of $50 for 8 meditations.
Meditation topics include:
Introductions and basics of meditation
Notice your thoughts, notice your body
Full body awareness practice
Breathing techniques for meditation
Sound and silence: sound as a tool of focus
Metta—compassion rewires your thinking
and more!
TRY IT OUT–Listen to a FREE 7 minute–Gratitude Meditation Here!
“I just completed the first meditation - It was perfect! I have about a 5 min attention span - beyond that guided meditation or chanting really helps me.
Thank you so much for the awesome work that you do!”