For the Body Series
Sequences designed for opening, strengthening, and engaging specific locations in the body
1 hour —Light up your practice with core work, strengthening postures, twists and pranayama to help facilitate digestion. Includes music and chanting.
10 minutes
You can still practice yoga even if you are dealing with an injury or limitation with your hands or shoulders! In this short video I share ways to change your practice and tips for modifying sun salutations and weight bearing. Your body still needs movement even when you are injured! As always, be sure to have your Doctor, PT, and/or OT approval before doing any exercise or movement.
Six Sun Salutations in 12 minutes to energize and motivate the body.
20 minutes
A complete practice for all parts of the body in just 20 minutes! Includes seated folds and hips, core work, upper body plank and chaturunga, simple backbends, standing postures --triangle and side angle, down dog, twists, seated folds, and pranayama--nadi shodhana. Feel ready to face it all after this sweet practice.
A 17 minute practice entirely on the floor to help find ease in your hips and low back. Included relaxation.
1 hour, 2 minutes. Backbends help to bring strength and flexibility to your spine, which can help with posture and overall sense of ease. Use this practice to help feel more settled in the your spine. Includes core work, lunge positions, twists, forward folds, standing balance, and reclined hip openers.
55 minutes. The shoulders are one of the most injured joints in the body. Yoga practices help to bring strength and flexibility to your shoulders. Use this practice to ease stress and keep your shoulders moving with more ease in your day to day life. Includes side stretches, strap opening, upper body strengthening in sun salutation, balancing positions, and deep shoulder stretches like gomukhasana, cow face pose. Have a strap handy!
57 minutes. Balancing postures help you to move with more fluid ease. A regular practice of balancing positions will help you to walk more firmly on the earth! Includes standing posture sequences, warrior 3 pose, half moon–ardha chandrasana, and tree pose–vrksasana. Includes supine twists and hip openers.
22 minutes. With a strong core you will feel energized and supported in your day to day work! Use this practice to strengthen your core muscles and back. Includes supine core work, sun salutations, and standing balancing positions.
55 minutes. The shoulders are one of the most injured joints in the body. Yoga practices help to bring strength and flexibility to your shoulders. Use this practice to ease stress and keep your shoulders moving with more ease in your day to day life. Includes side stretches, strap opening, upper body strengthening in sun salutation, balancing positions, and deep shoulder stretches like gomukhasana, cow face pose. Have a strap handy!
22 minutes. With a strong core you will feel energized and supported in your day to day work! Use this practice to strengthen your core muscles and back. Includes supine core work, sun salutations, and standing balancing positions.
55 minutes. A heated core sequence to stimulate your inner fire! Includes supine abdominal positions, standing postures, Uttkatasana with twists, standing twists, Gaisiana, and other core exercises.
25 minutes. Relax the large muscles in your body and feel your whole body system settle! Includes pigeon pose, and several restorative postures. Have a bolster, pillow, and/or blankets nearby.
58 minutes. Deepen your connection to breath through seated postures, sun salutations, lunge positions, standing postures, side plan at the floor and half moon. Includes seated forward folds and pranayama practices.
16 minutes. When your body is settled, and you relax your abdominal organs and muscles, your digestion can flow more smoothly. Includes seated trunk lengthening positions, side stretches, seated forward folds, twist positions, and restorative postures.
43 minutes. Feel into the largest organ of your body, your skin! When you nourish your skin, you nourish your entire protective layer. Includes massage, rubbing, tapping, seated folds, suyra namaskar, hip openers, standing postres, and pranayama.
17 minutes. Abdominal exercises, side plant, elbow plank, resting positions, and pranayama-includes ujjai breath and nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing).
6 minutes. Stimulate your lymphatic system with this short tapping practice. You will feel your whole body and spirit buzzing after just a few minutes!