Roots To Blossoms
Creative Flow For Self Discovery!
During 2021, yoga classes will follow a new seasonal rhythm.
Over the year, we will journey through internal and external energy flow centers. I am titling this system:
Roots to Blossoms—Creative Flow for Self Discovery.
Similar to the ancient Chakra system, Roots to Blossoms differs in its focus on connection to your innate creativity and the natural rhythms in our world.
We have never lost our connection to these creative rhythms of life. But like a dark cloud, our clear vision has been lost, causing mental confusion. This practice will help to bring back clarity by building your awareness to the cyclical natural rhythms and the expansive energy centers within your body, mind, and soul. You will find ease and flow in this system as you remember that in the natural world, there is no need to force anything. Our bodies are a microcosm of the greater world rhythms. This system will offer you inspiration and help you to realize you are connected to the greater World Soul.
You are a being of grace and beauty. You already possess all the qualities you seek to bring into your life. All you need to do is believe in your innate goodness, clear the fog away, and the practice will flow with ease.
Each month is already pre-planned with themes, asana, pranayama, mudra, mantra, journal prompts, and more. We will spend several weeks practicing within a specific energy center.
The Roots To Blossoms Creative Flow Energy Centers Are:
Roots- Honoring the body and earth, establishing foundations and rhythms of self care and natural rhythms.
Flow- Honoring the waters and seeking ease within our flowing creative rhythms.
Fire- Honoring our depths of strength and resilience, fostering determination, resolve, and will power.
Heart- Honoring unity, balance, and developing our capacity for loving compassion and service to others.
Voice- Honoring our unique creative passions and speaking our own truths.
Vision- Honoring our intuition and seeking clarity in our purpose.
Anima Mundi- Honoring our ancestors and the intrinsic connection between all beings: the vital force of the World Soul.
Blossoms- Honoring self wisdom and self knowledge, seeking divine connections to bring us back to our roots.
Rebirth- Honoring the process of repetition and renewal, remembering the cyclical nature of the world and self.
While moving through these bodily energy centers, we will take time to honor the world body and nature through the monthly lunar cycles and the yearly solar cycles. At each major juncture (new moons, full moons, and seasonal transitions such as equinoxes and solstices) our yoga practice will take time to honor these celestial shifts and transitions in the natural world. Noticing these natural cycles is an essential component to remembering your connection to the world soul and finding your creative inspiration.
We will honor:
Each dark moon 🌑 by setting intentions and practicing a slow chandra namaskar (moon salutation), mudra, and pranayam
Each full moon🌕 by offering a monthly gratitude practice and expansive chandra namaskar (moon salutation), mudra, and pranayam
Each solar seasonal celebration🌞 — equinoxes, solstices, and major seasonal transitions throughout the solar year with surya namaskar (sun salutation) integrated for each seasonal rhythm, mudra, and pranayam
Journal prompts and downloads will also be provided for Monthly Members.