History and Yoga Philosophy


One of the first questions I will ask students in my kids yoga classes is: What country does yoga come from?

I am often surprised at how few of these young learners know the answer to this question! I have heard: China, Egypt, and France to name a few. I make it a goal for each kids yoga class that I teach that they know the origins!

This section is about the background and rich Indian cultural history of yoga. It is essential to keep our understanding of yoga in context within the tradition and history of the practice. I also recommend the section on “Decolonizing Yoga” for further consideration.

Download this homework quiz and answer the questions as you read through the topics below!

History and Philosophy Homework Quiz

Click on individual links for PDF text downloads to each topic.

The Six Schools of Indian Philosophy

Yoga Philosophy

Patanjali Invocation

Hatha Yoga Pradapika

Yamas and Niyamas

Pratyahara and Samyama

Links to PDF slide lectures

Yoga Philosophy 101

Yama and Niyama Slides
