Structure and Methodology


The Body

*Please remember: This information is NOT meant to replace the advice or information of your medical doctor or health care practitioner. Always consult with your doctor before taking on new practices.

Our approach will pay tribute to the westernized analytical model of anatomy and invite you to use your inner sensory awareness to gain a felt sense of the connective and muscular tissues in the body, We will look at anatomy, structure, form, and function, and we will utilize body movement as a practical approach to understanding ourselves. We will practice within the scope of inquiry and investigation to learn about our own unique needs and limits. Through asana practice, we will explore how the principles of movement influence our movement and breath and help to shape our experience of ourselves. Asana is the realm of the body, and much of today’s westernized view of yoga is limited to physical asana practice. The body can be the doorway into this practice and while necessary, it is only one part of knowing ourselves. True yoga is a complete lifestyle practice of body, mind, and soul.


Download this homework quiz and answer the questions as you read through the topics below!

Structure and Methodology QUIZ

Click on individual links for PDF text downloads to each topic.

Alignment, Muscle Length, and Postural Habits

Fascial Body

Muscle Terminology

Directional References

Strength vs Flexibility

Links to PDF slide lectures

Common Joint Injuries: Knees and Shoulders

The Spinal Body